Masinotek part of consortium bringing digital twin technology to Chinese and Finnish Cities
Digital twins will enhance the performance of smart city heating, water, and electrical networks in pilot cities in Finland and China over the course of a project taking place between 2019-2021. The project is jointly funded by Business Finland and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China and is a cooperative effort between Finnish companies Semantum and Masinotek and Chinese entities Tsinghua University and Googol Tech.
Smart city utility networks are taking advantage of technology advancements in renewable energy and storage technologies. With adoption of these technologies the variability of energy production and consumption requires increasing optimization of municipal utility networks. Visualisation and modelling software and data from internet of things (IoT) sensors can be used to run simulations of various scenarios in a virtual digital twin of the utility network. This brings benefits in the form of planning for future expansion, training plant operators, providing modeling data to replace expensive sensors, faster diagnosis of faults or leakages and, of course, reduction of energy consumption and thereby costs. This project keeps Masinotek abreast of cutting edge technology to bring efficiency gains to smart cities using the latest ICT technologies and IoT sensor capabilities.